Thank you Thank you all for your choreographed effort to put this into place so quickly! I love how all the teachers and parents were able to distribute all the permission slips so quickly (impressive!). Our rehearsals are fantastic fun and we continue to have large turnouts and we accomplish so much. Your 2nd graders by far surpass my expectations. We have learned all 3 Chorus Body Percussion parts, both Verses, the Intro, and we were in sync! Whoo-hoo! And, I was so proud to say that I started and ended right on time. :) To help the children learn their parts quickly since they are amped, I created the videos linked below to help you help them. Please let me know of your feedback; things that are helpful/confusing, etc. Homework 1) Listen to the song, memorize the lyrics, sing along. (I bet the kids will be able to memorize these lyrics in a week) 2) Practice with all the videos. 3) Practice EVERY DAY, live it, breathe it, love it! We only have a couple more rehearsals, but we are well on our way!